Saturday, November 26, 2011

Reptile Rescue Training Program Recruitment

Reptile Rescue offers a comprehensive range of training programs covering snake phobias, DIY for land holders wishing to manage their snake issues, or recruitment for Reptile Rescue operatives wishing to join our network service provision relocating errant snakes.
Our training course offers fundamental training management which includes physiology, snake behaviour, very comprehensive first aid and snake bite management and hands on training using specialised equipment developed with animal welfare as a prerequisite and security for the user.
The course is available through Link Adult Learning or onsite anywhere in regional Tasmania. Minimum class numbers 6 to a maximum of 25 per class. Our program requires a full day to complete.
Anyone wishing to undertake our training program can do so by emailing and registering your location, name and contact details. All names will be placed on our data base and you will be contacted when numbers reach the minimum criteria for class size as to the date and location the class will be held.

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